What game on webkinz in the arcade gives you the most ...

best game to make money on webkinz

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How do I pay back $40 to my mother if I can't get a job?

This is gonna sound so dumb.
I've NEVER been the one to condone the "autistic boy grows up without boundaries and spends $20,000 in Fortnite/Door dash" issue, in all honesty it's really the parents coddling the addiction/disrespect instead of taking the time out of their day to educate their child on budgeting and how to cope combat unhealthy levels of desire.
I was severely neglected while growing up and was never educated on much of anything at all in regards to life skills. More often than not, I was left to explore the internet on my own to the point of limiting myself to certain gaming websites and downloadable MMOs as a young child.
I've waded through the water and learned how to support myself thanks to the advances of social media and people who actually listen. Unlike relentless splurging, I actively research my decisions time and time again before paying for stuff online.
So far,
Tumbler Cup ($14.95) - uses it endlessly to the point of being afraid to wash it. Really, really love it. I know it was wrong of me to buy it under the guise of just the necklace without her "permission" but I told her that I really, really wanted the cup.
Animal Jam Sapphires ($10) - I really wanted a house with exclusive video recording features and camera angles.
Most of the time I don't care at all about obtaining all the lastest items, but I wanted to have this special house for later when I'm able to go back and play the game more regularly.
After I get the Firefly Friend at the end of February, I'm probably going to uninstall it to save space on my phone. It could be a very long time before I'm able to play again.
Once a pet/house gone, it's practically gone for good. I'm still waiting on older houses to come back and I would be heartbroken to permanently miss out on this special house with such massive tech and editing features.
Again, I researched and thought that 650 Sapphires for a one time payment of $10 was a better deal and less worrisome than bare minimum of 3 separate payments for the bare minimum of 300 Sapphires (which is what the Movie Den costs in game)
The rainbow guinea pig herd thing was unplanned, but I figured I might as well before they end up like the heavily envied sugarglider.
I admit that this aspect was in fact, a splurge (hence every color of the rainbow), but I did it to honor my late pet guinea pigs as these animals have been my special interest since I was little. Once I'm on my own (and yes, with my funds), I'm going to build them a little Midwest cage out o Masterblocks as a shrine for all my furbabies.
Webkinz with code ($16.95) - I just bought this one today. She might try and ground me after this one but I'll try my best to hide it somewhere. I've only bought two other plushies off of eBay, I think. I would've told her the truth about it but I know she'll just ground me.
I was wanting one that was more stylized in the classic Webkinz fashion and not just based off of a real life animal like the Black Cat and Kangaroo that I currently have.
I looked them up based on price and concluded with the Candy Puppy. It's only a dollar or two more than they originally sold for when I was a kid. I honestly consider it an amazing deal given that it come with a code (hopefully) AND the fact Webkinz plushies are retired!
I just went through all my stuffed animals I wanna keep and organized them in one location, so consider this the last piece to the holy trifecta of my Webkinz plushies.
Despite the care and dedication I've put into these purchases, it's still pretty immoral to just lie behind a person's back. I wouldn't even have to do that if they would accept me for who I am and that my goals in life are different than the stereotypical make-up loving, car buying "young woman" they want me to be.
I really don't want to deal with this any longer. Even if I'm berated and talked down to on my birthday, I just want to lay back and just appreciate what I have.
I've been wanting to give her back the money I spent without her permission, as it's just the reasonable thing to do (even if she wastes it on her Coke addiction and daily McDonald's)
I thought about trying to open up commissions, but I have absolut no way to get the art done in a reasonable manner (drawing the art on paper and then retracing the whole thing from scratch on my phone in nedibang paint is EXHAUSTING)
I feel like it would be so much easier to just sell content on Red Bubble as I'd only have to draw a few cute things and slap them on various products. Bonus is that they already have prices set up for you!
However, I can't really tell if my Paypal account is verified absolutely for sure and I'm having to do everything all by myself. I have no support system and really, really don't want to fuck up my chances of ever getting disability (as it's a requirement for services in my area).
Any way I can make up for all of my debt?
submitted by Chonkin_GuineaPig to Advice [link] [comments]

Do I have a right to be angry?

Obligatory past lurker, first-time poster and apologies for length/spelling/grammarambling. I've been thinking about posting on here for a while just to ask a sort of am I valid kind of thing, but I couldn't remember anything that was post-worthy for a while. Today's rant thing was brought on by possibly the first sudden onset of past trauma I've experienced. I was out with my family for dinner, with typical stressful moments but nothing out of the ordinary, when I suddenly had a memory of when I was little that I hadn't thought about in years. I've sort of spiralled and it led me here, but I just want to rant and kind of get other's perspective on some of the things I've gone through. First, the memory that started it all. I did gymnastics when I was younger and when I was 6-7 I moved gyms. My mom told me it was because I talked too much to the other girls during practice and so I was kicked out (to this day I'm not sure how true her claim is, I was too little to remember and I don't want to ask. I do remember her screaming at me every time she saw me talking during practice to anyone, despite everyone else talking.) This brought me to football (soccer) where my mom constantly told me growing up I wasn't good enough, and told me that all the other year fours were practising several times a week and would send me outside to do the 10,000 touches program (I would always find a way to get out of it or cheat it, which made me feel like a quitter). If you don't know what it is it's a program to get 10,000 touches on the ball each day (I think) and it's an intense program for adults, let alone for an 8 year old. She always got upset at me for something during football games, and I had to ban her from coming to my games during primary school because I couldn't take it. I had developed social anxiety and a bit of anxiety around football because of these things and in secondary school, I limped a bit when I messed up because I didn't want people to know how bad I was and I didn't want the stress of being on the first team. When I made the second team my mom flipped, despite me being picked by the coach to be Co-Captains (the other girl was picked by the other players). Her yelling only became worse during the season as she would say stuff like "what's happening Skevansye, you used to be so good and now you're not." I wanted to go stay at my best friends house for a couple of nights but didn't want to bother them like I did my parents. Eventually, my mom talked to the coach as to why he didn't pick me and he said he saw me limping and it looked like something I had had earlier and he couldn't take an injured player onto the first team. This calmed her down for a bit but it's always been a sensitive topic (she told me recently while I was complaining about a girl who was a ball hog and told me I was going the wrong way when I stole the ball from the other team, that she would rather I be a ball hog then be all wishy-washy). I have a memory of being 5-6 and in the drive through to McDonald's when my mom asks me about a purchase with WishCoins on Webkinz, and she started to yell at me saying that I already had a calico cat clock so why did I need to buy another one with WishTokens (which are rarer than the normal currency). Eventually, she calmed down after getting our food and we were talking about it and she wasn't even sure if I already had the cat clock or if my sister did. If I calmly say something (to be fair sometimes it is with a bit of attitude) they often overreact and say that I can't take a joke or that I shouldn't be so negative, that I'm just finding things to complain about and other B.S. things like that. When I confront them on things that don't make sense, they just say they are the adults (which is honestly one of the things that bothers me most to this day, if you have a valid reason cool, but you can't make me do something/don't deserve respect just because you are an adult/my parent) . I was getting my hair done and my mom said to get a blow out, and me, not knowing that blowouts typically mean straight hair, when asked by the PROFESSIONAL HAIRSTYLIST if I wanted it straight or curly I said curly (I've had issues growing up with my curls because my mom always thinks they look messy and stuff like that, and getting my hair straightened only worsens how I feel about my hair). When I was calling my mom on the way home I told her I got a curl blowout, she proceeded to freak out and tell me to go back. I was on a busy high street about to cry with a bit of social anxiety and eventually convinced her to let me come home. When I got home she told me to give her £70. I was confused and she said "I told you to get a blowout, and I'm not paying for this shit." She still hasn't given me the money back despite a therapist telling her it was irrational for her to charge me for it (especially since I hate getting my hair done and was only doing it to appease her). TBH the thing that bothers me the most is the money because I'm trying to save up as much money as I can so I don't have to rely on them at all after uni. She constantly made me feel inadequate like I wasn't going to go to uni and then said that wasn't what she said or meant. She did this with sports, uni's etc. and basically told me I wouldn't amount to anything, and then would later deny it. She threatened to leave or send me off to boarding school after arguments (and went to stay in hotels a couple times, which always made me feel like I was the ass in the situation. It wasn't until a doctor told me I should consider boarding school and I made a huge fuss over it thinking she was implying I was a bad kid, that I seriously thought about it. Luckily I am going to one right now (and don't worry my parents don't forget to regularly remind me how much money my school costs, despite my dad's job covering most of it.) I have gone from lots of c's and b's with a few a's to being predicted 4 A* at a level after moving to boarding school (if your parents can afford to get you in or if there's a scholarship, go. It has helped me immensely). Unfortunately I still have to visit on weekends (I have cried more in some of the weekends than I did in the entirety of my whole first year at school, despite finding out my grandpa was dying at school.) The reason why I question the validity of what I went through is a lot of times things are okay, and other times I do something that is bad and they are right to be upset and during those times I forget about times like what I detailed above (not even mentioning my dad not acknowledging my OCD for months) and think I'm overreacting. I'm not sure exactly what I'm looking for, if someone has help or tips or can tell me if I'm overreacting or not, honestly just anything would be nice. Once again sorry for the bad writing. Thanks x.
submitted by Skevansye to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

Webkinz knockoff game, early 2000's

Platform(s): PC/internet
Genre: Flash
Estimated year of release: Early 2000's
Graphics/art style: 2D, cute, colorful
Notable characters: Big-eyed "pets"
Notable gameplay mechanics: Mini-games, with a weird unfinished world
Other details: Similar to Webkinz, mysterious disappearance

Picture this: Something like 2007 - 2009. (I was like 5-8) I had some sort of catalog paper which had an advertisement for these stuffed animals. There were a few rows of different ones, but I remember I really liked the golden retriever. I told my mom I wanted it and that day, she went to town. I believe she found me one at Target -- she wasn't looking, they just happened to be selling them so she got me a little one.
I was excited as fuck. I plugged my code in to play. And from that moment on, I cherished that game. It was actually better than Webkinz, or at least I thought so. Here's my description of it, to the best of my memory:
You log on and there's a town that you look down at from an aerial view. There was an arcade building, which I spent lots of time in. I specifically remember one mini-game... In the game, you control a trampoline with your mouse by moving it back and forth for different pets to hop on. The goal was to get each one from one side of the screen to the other without letting them hit the ground. Cue the cartoonish *boiiinnnnggg* sounds.
Then I remember the little bath time game VIVIDLY. So your pet would sit in the bath and you had to put soap in there and wash him until he was happy. I can still hear the little bubble noises if I think hard enough. And you could give him a little rubber duck too. Then when you were done, you had to blow dry him.
Then, of course, you could pimp out your house by spending money that you made from the mini-games. This is the part that's the most like Webkinz in my memory.
One weird part about the game though, was that I don't remember a single multiplayer aspect of the game. Like a park, online games to play with friends, or a message board of any kind to interact with other players.

The town was weird. The reason why it was weird, is because it was entirely complete except for one giant... thing in the middle of the map. It was a fenced off area that was some sort of adventure park or theme park. It had this big sign on it that said "COMING SOON" or something to that degree but in all the time I spent playing this game, it never opened. Ever. I played the game off and on for about a year or so, maybe even longer. So it makes me wonder if the game was like in alpha or something? It was so odd because you'd think that they would have the website complete before they began selling the merchandise to access it.
OK so this is where it completely separates from Webkinz, appearance-wise. Like Webkinz, it was a virtual world in 2D -- but that's about where the similarity stops. The big difference was in the pets. More specifically, their eyes. In Webkinz, the eyes are always beady-like and small, to match the Ganz brand stuffed animals. But these stuffed animals had huge eyes. I remember my dog having big blue eyes that kind of dropped, as if they were almost sad. It was super similar to Littlest Pet Shop, but I've searched for anything like this attached to LPS and have found nothing.

The last thing I remember about the game was that one day, I simply couldn't log on. I'm not sure if I took a particularly long hiatus from the game or something, but I concluded that I'd forgotten my username and/or password -- even though I had been using the same login information since the beginning... Regardless, I was never able to log in again. It could've been that the site shut down, but I don't remember seeing news about that. I'm sure they would've put it on the site somewhere. I was distraught. Crushed. I don't even know if they ever finished the giant adventure park that I was always so curious about.
Even if the site did close, wouldn't I be able to find SOME trace of its existence on the internet? It can't just disappear forever as if it never existed in the first place. I KNOW I didn't imagine it.

It definitely wasn't Webkinz. I would know because I can still remember the separate usernames I used for both sites -- this one AND Webkinz. So I KNOW played them separately. I had a Build-a-Bear online account, Moshi Monsters, Neopets, the whole nine yards of shitty flash games for little kids but NONE of them were the same as this game.

I hope you guys can help me find it. I don't think I will find peace until my memories are validated. I have to see that it DID in fact exist at one point, and that I am NOT just imagining it or creating an entire franchise in my head that didn't ever actually exist.

Mysterious Webkinz-esque game that robbed me of my joy in the early 2000's and then disappeared forever.
submitted by Kirbette to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]

I am a console player who tried using keyboard and mouse. Keyboard and mouse should not be allowed on console. Epic’s reasoning is flawed.

So here’s the backstory.
I have been a console player my entire life. My experience with gaming on a computer consisted of Webkinz in the 3rd grade. From call of duty, to battlefield, and now to Fortnite, these are competitive games I played a lot.
Most of my gaming experience has been single player story based or rpg games. Like assassins creed, mass effect, or the fallout series. Being in college now Fortnite was the first game i really played competitively. This is also around the time I was being introduced to the world of Pc gaming. A lot of my friends were building their own PC’s and my roommate had one. This is where I began to understand the real benefit of a Mouse and Keyboard in video games. When crossplay became easily accessible with my Pc buddies I was overjoyed. I could play with them regularly.
I knew though I would be at a slight disadvantage. On PC lobbies. Not having money for a PC I bought a mouse and keyboard for about 100 at Best Buy to use on my PlayStation. I thought my game skills would skyrocket and soon make me a very “competitive player”. Here’s the problem.
I. Was. Ass. At keyboard and mouse. I used it for 2 weeks. I played pretty often. But my skill set completely regressed at the game. I knew with more time and practice I could probably a hang of it. And achieve what I do consider an unfair advantage.
But here is my point. Why should a lifelong console player such as myself be forced to adapt to a new style of play to compete on my own system?
Epics whole argument of allowing it is stupid. They don’t want to have input devices be a barrier to people in the game.
Those who are proficient in KB and M are those who have been doing it for a while. Because they have a Pc. Because they are used to Pc gaming. Allowing those players to plug into a console, and stomp people like me with no PC gaming background, and then expecting us to learn a new way of playing video games because of it is wrong. I would love a PC. Im in college and can’t afford to build a nice one. Why should I be forced to change my playstyle to remain competitive. I bought a $400 dollar console because that’s what I know, and that’s what I like. Epic isn’t creating less barriers they are creating more. Catering to those who can afford a PC and a console and giving them a clear and competitive advantage. It’s not right. And it isn’t good for the state of the game
TLDR Here’s my point sorry for the ramble. There is no logical explanation why someone would be efficient in KB&M and NOT have a PC and only be able to play on console. They should play at the very least PC lobbies. Console players like me shouldn’t have to adapt.
submitted by chaamp33 to FortniteCompetitive [link] [comments]

Any other game like Pizza Palace?

Pizza Palace was my favorite game on Webkinz. Is there any online game on a website like Miniclip, or a mobile app, that is similar to Pizza Palace?
In pizza palace, you have to take pizza orders from customers, make the correctly sized pizza at the pizza maker, add ingredients at the ingredients station, then bake it in the oven before serving it to them. The faster you serve the customer, the more tip you get. You have to reach a certain amount of money each level to advance, and between levels, you could speed up your machines or buy extra ones. It was one of the best-designed games on Webkinz in my opinion. It required intense multitasking, memory, speed, and mouse coordination. The only problem was that you would have to start over through the boring levels in order to get back to the challenging ones.
submitted by bc414 to Webkinz [link] [comments]

best game to make money on webkinz video

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Ganz World There is a separate site called Ganzworld run by Ganz where you can earn prizes and kinzcash for your webkinz account. Go to Ganzworld, click Webkinz News, and log in. Then I do roughly 3 things everyday. You earn moneyz from clicking on things. These things can all affect the value. For example, Cheeky dog goes for the most of any Webkinz currently and the prices have gone up a lot recently. Step 2) Research what people are paying now. Don't rely on old info about what someone got for their Webkinz 6 months ago or what someone says they think your Webkinz is worth. It is better to get ... How to Make Money on Webkinz. When the Kinzcash keeps running out on Webkinz, you'll be wanting to know how to make a whole lot more of it. In this article, you'll learn many ways to make money and keep on making it. Log onto Webkinz... In Webkinz, you can earn Kinzcash which is the currency used in the game. This currency is used to purchase various items like decorations for your home, clothing for your Webkinz, and also food... Webkinz — Up to $5,000. How much money did Webkinz make? Sales of plush Webkinz toys are limited to the United States and Canada, but international users can buy virtual pets from the online eStore. In 2006, Webkinz had one million online accounts, and according to one estimate published in Wired they made $100 million in 2006. Sign up for a free account to play games, care for your pets, make friends and decorate your rooms! i need money on webkinz but i can never seem to get any.what is the best way you get money.?? i need money my webkinz will die if i don't get some money to by them some food.i go to the wheel of wow but i always get 20 kinz cash.i don't want my webkinz to die!!I HAVE TEN WEBKINZ AND THEY WILL ALL DIE IF THEY DON'T GET FOOD PLZ PLZ HELP ME AND FAST!!!!!PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ!! Best Apps by "webkinz", such as Webkinz™ , Webkinz Stickers and Lets Play Free - Videos for Roblox and more games . Discover best apps & games for you from over 6,000,000 apps. AppGrooves offers you "Best 10 Apps" for over 600 micro categories. Webkinz is an online game where you have to take care of animals. You can get bonus items by using Webkinz money. You can buy game cards online, and in various stores around the country in various ... I make a lot of money in the tournament arena. Even when you lose the game, you still can get a good payout. Dogbeard's battles pays well, and so does Zingos Switcherooz. Link'd isn't as much money, but it's a quick game. Employment office is good for cash, but sometimes hard. Daily activities has free money too. 0 0. Erika. Lv 4. 4 years ago. Webkinz Games. Source(s): https://shrink.im/a8ysM ...

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best game to make money on webkinz

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