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First Contact - Fourth Wave - Chapter 414

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Undrat knew he wasn't the brightest neo-sapient in the galactic arm. None of his people would ever be known for hyper-intelligence or cleverness or ingenuity. They were not grand philosophers or intellectuals. They admired intelligence, admired cleverness, even though comprehending it beyond acknowledging it was largely beyond their capabilities.
That did not mean his people were worthless. His people were the kind of people that slogged through history, their eyes on the goal, ever walking forward. In the long drawn out march of time they had discovered each thing slowly and progressed to the next even if it took centuries or millennia. It did not concern them that they were considered one of the less intelligent neo-sapience species, they knew what was important.
Hard work. Perseverance. Endurance.
For over fifty million years they had been one of the Neo-Sapient Species watched over by the Unified Council. Their home-world had been forgotten as they spread out among the Lanaktallan worlds. They were largely uninterested in colonies or expanding their race.
They were content to enjoy the finer things in life.
A job well done. A difficult and lengthy problem that the solution was perseverance being accomplished. Enduring whatever had to be endured.
Over the aeons Undrat's people had always worked for the Lanaktallan. They were proudest of the fact that they were often moved by the tens of thousands to a new colony to provide the manual labor that a robot had not yet been programmed and fashioned to do.
They had been part of the Unified Council for so long that most of the other species viewed them more as furniture or a standard issue part of anything that required labor.
Undrat's people were robust. Their thick skin let them endure harsh solar emissions, their thick bones and heavy muscles let them handle work on planets up to 1.6G, more than twice the preferred gravity of the rest of the Unified Council species. Their internal organs allowed them to eat and flourish on bare nutripaste without even most of the additives that the majority of races required. They could eat rudimentary crops and usually even local food species with no difficulties. They healed quickly, even from injuries that would kill most of the Near-Civilized and Civilized Species.
But they weren't the brightest or sharpest.
Undrat had worked in a warehouse when the humans came. He and his men had watched the humans land. Had seen them and had admired their form, much like their own. Bipedal, two arms, moving with power even if they didn't always move with grace.
He had largely ignored them, preferring to keep with his own work, which was carrying boxes and crates, running grav-dollies, and doing other hard jobs.
His muscles were thick and solid, his endurance deep and rapidly recovering.
He could work a whole nine hours and after fifteen hours of rest be ready to work again. He could lift his own body weight above his head.
The Lanaktallan who was his Overseer had always praised Undrat and his fellow workers. After all, the Tukna'rn people were the backs the colony had been founded on. He was valuable property of the Fu'uku'ugu'utmien Industrial Conglomerate, with bar codes down his arms, across his back, chest and forehead, and across the back of his neck that he had been born with, the bar codes tattooed into his very gene code.
If he had ever been curious enough to look he would have found that he and every one of his fellow Tukna'rn were more valuable to the Conglomerate than a fork lift. He would have just nodded, not really understanding why it should be surprising. He could work on any surface he could stand on, could work in different gravities, in different weather, with different cargos, without the need for programming or expensive mechanical maintenance.
Of course he was more valuable. He could be put in cryosleep to go to the next world and virtually ignored for centuries if need be.
The Terrans, the humans, had arrived and then came the great roars of THERE IS ONLY ENOUGH FOR ONE which made no sense to Undrat. Did not the dining facility have enough for everyone to eat? Was there not enough work to go around? Did not the Fu'uku'ugu'utmien Conglomerate not own all the resources of the planet and the people upon it?
The reply of THEN DIE ALONE! made no sense to Undrat either. He could not imagine being alone for long. Tukna'rn and every other species capable of thinking were always in groups.
Before he could be disturbed by having to contemplate the roars the sirens had gone off.
Undrat had been sent into a shelter beneath one of the great warehouses. He and his fellow Tukna'rn sat patiently, eating and sleeping and everything else according to the computerized schedule. At time the floor shook and faint vibrations could be felt.
Eventually the roar of THERE IS ONLY ENOUGH FOR ONE! had ceased.
The shelter had sounded the 'all clear' and Undrat and his fellow Tukna'rn had been allowed back onto the surface of the planet. They had emerged, blinking at the harsh light that somehow penetrated the thick cloud cover. Their skin flushed a deep bluish-green in response, reacting to the increased radiation from the sun and the clouds.
The Overseers had gone. Fled. Left.
The Overseer in charge of Undrat and his fellow Tukna'rn workers was confused and angry. He approached the Terrans and whatever it was that the Terrans told the Overseer seemed to anger the Overseer more.
Undrat himself heard the Overseer tell the Terrans that the Tukna'rn people were valuable assets, extremely valuable property of the Fu'uku'ugu'utmien Conglomerate and that he could not believe that the Conglomerate had abandoned them.
Then the Conglomerate had returned with the forces that kept unruly colonists and workers in line. MilSec, CorpSec, and the fabled Executor Security Forces arrived in ships. Undrat had heard the Overseer tell the Terrans that of course the forces coming in weren't hostile, they were just there to protect valuable conglomerate property.
Then the alarms sounded and the shocked and distressed looking Overseer led Undrat and his fellow Tukna'rn workers into the shelter again.
Strangely enough, for reasons that Undrat did not know and did not think to ask, even more workers were led into the shelters by the Overseer. Many different species, some of whom even did the more intellectually demanding jobs of monitoring computers and other important systems.
The Undrat simply sat in the shelters and waited. They counselled the other species not to complain, after all, there was food, air, water, and enough room to sit and even exercise facilities to maintain one's strength and endurance.
Again, there was the rumblings and vibrations.
The Overseer seemed extremely concerned, often wringing all four hands as he sat in the Facility Overseer's office.
At one time Undrat himself saw something strange. The Overseer was talking to a hologram of another Overseer, who was obviously giving the Overseer orders. The Overseer suddenly picked up a chair that the Tukna'rn used when sitting in the Overseer's office and smashed the holotank with it.
Three sleep shifts later the elevator came down and a squad of armored Overseers with "EXEC-SEC" written on them exited. They asked for the way to the Overseer's office. Undrat was tasked to show them.
Undrat knew his people were not considered very intelligent and that he was an average Tukna'rn.
But 'within standard species median' did not mean 'stupid.'
He heard the Executor Overseer sneer about how Undrat and his people were 'lounging in such opulence and safety' and how 'they would be better used to clog the guns of the Terrans' rather than 'inhabiting a shelter better put to use by their betters'.
His people were incurious not unintelligent.
Undrat did not like what they were saying. His people were not animals. They were not wastes of resources. They were valuable and coveted property of the conglomerate and his Overseer was proud of them and admired by his peers for overseeing such industrious properties.
When he got to the Overseer's office he was ordered to stand there, as if he was a robot. That did not bother him, he was used to short commands.
The Executors ordered the Overseer to 'evict the neo-sapients so they could be armed to force the Terrans to fight them' and the Overseer protested.
Undrat did not care about the argument at first. It was between beings who far outranked him and usually gave orders.
But one statement got his attention.
The ExecSec commander said it, pointing at the Overseer.
"Kill this fool."
Undrat reached out as the ExecSec officer drew his pistol, put his hands to either side of the Lanaktallan's torso, and twisted as he squeezed. Ribs crunched and the spine crackled as Undrat twisted the Lanaktallan's torso and bent it to the side.
The other Tukna'rn did the same. Undrat's father, Ildrut, brought both fists down on the armored flank-spine of the one next to him, breaking the Lanaktallan in half.
The Overseer merely stood and watched.
Neural pistols went off and neural bolts thudded into the Tukna'rn, who felt them as a slight burning tingle where they hit and raised welts like they had been bitten by a particularly aggressive insect. A plasma pistol was fired twice, catching the paper clothing on fire but only causing the skin of the Tukna'rn to darken and painful burns on the first two layers of skin to happen.
Then it was over.
The Overseer stood there and nodded slowly.
"You are loyal and valuable property," he said softly. "You did not betray the Conglomerate, the Conglomerate has betrayed you and every being in this shelter."
The Overseer looked up from the bodies of the dead Lanaktallan, killed by heavy strikes of blunt fists and the pressure of the Tukna'rn grip.
"Gather their weapons. Any who come down the elevator are to be killed until further notice," the Overseer said.
But no more came down.
Finally Undrat, who went everywhere with the Overseer, even slept in the same room as him, always carrying a riot shield and a heavy plasma rifle, saw the Overseer talk to one of the Terran lemurs on his vid-display.
It was nearly a month later when the Overseer stated that he, and a handpicked group, would ride the elevator to the surface and speak to the Terrans.
Undrat rode the elevator silently, holding onto the rifle.
If the Terrans attempted to harm the Overseer, then he would kill them.
Unlike the Tukna'rn, they would be as fragile as everyone else in a universe built to challenge even the Tukna'rn people. IF a fist did not do it, then he had a plasma rifle.
He would not let the Overseer, who had shepherded and cared for the Tukna'rn since the time of Undrat's father's father's father's father's time, to come to harm.
The clouds were low and heavy. The air smelled of burnt plants and like a greenhouse that had caught on fire. The air was heavy with soot and ash and lightning ripped at the clouds and the ground in equal measure.
The Overseer had been wise to order everyone into hazardous environment suits. The world did not look as it had.
Undrat looked around him. It looked as if a forest had grown where the tarmac of the great warehouse complex had once been, and had then been burnt away to leave behind sticky black ash.
There was a heavy vehicle present. A large tracked vehicle, with a heavy cannon on it. The back was open, a ramp leading from the interior of the vehicle to the ground. Six bipeds with two arms walked down the ramp, all of them in some kind of black armor.
Undrat could tell they were Terrans. They moved like the Tukna'rn people. With strength and power, even though they were taller and thus more slender. He nodded to himself that they all had weapons, after all, the Overseer had stated that the Conglomerate was fighting the Terrans over the Tukna'rn and other neo-sapients on the planet.
Of course they were. The Tukna'rn were valuable property.
Two of the six Terrans were carrying something fascinating to Undrat. They worse what looked like a kind of loading frame that Undrat had been trained to use when the object to be loaded was too much for even his strength. The frame was also attached to a heavy looking gun with a barrel as thick as Undrat's arm, the bullets leading into the gun were bigger than Undrat's fingers. It even had a small screen angled for the Terran to be able to look at it. A datacable went from the gun to the armored arm of the Terran.
While the Terrans and the Overseer spoke, Undrat stared at the large gun. Curiosity, finally stirred to life by the entire situation, tickled at him. A strange feeling, but one that urged him to ask a single question instead of just mutely staring.
"Is it heavy?" Undrat asked, speaking without first being asked a question. He was not addressing anyone of rank, he knew that. The Overseer was talking with the two who obviously had ranking. There were merely the two with the big guns and two others with heavy looking rifles that looked almost unfinished.
The Terran looked at him, its face hidden by the black front of his helmet. It hefted the big gun. "It's pretty heavy."
"How much does it weigh?" Undrat asked, curious as to how much a Terran could carry.
"Ninety-two kilograms outside the man pack frame," the Terran said. "Total weight with the gunner's man-pack frame is one-hundred-twenty kilograms."
Undrat's datalink, which helped him with things he was slow to do, told him how much it weighed, which was as much as he weighed.
"Is it effective?" Undrat asked.
The Terran gave a nod. "Light and medium armored fighting vehicles don't stand a chance. If a tank gives me too long, I'll rip it apart. The clankers and the dwellerspawn don't stand a chance."
"Then it is good," Undrat said. falling silent. He admired the gun's lines, how lethal it looked.
If he had that, he could keep anyone from harming the Overseer, the Tukna'rn people, or the other neo-sapients in the shelter.
The Overseer had stopped talking, turning to look at him. Undrat pointed at the heavy gun and the Terran carrying it.
"May I look at it more closely, Overseer?" Undrat asked.
"If it does not bother the Terran, you have my permission loyal one," the Overseer said. He turned back to the Terran. "They are a good people and I do not allow them to come to harm. They are loyal, work hard, and ask for little in return but what they need to survive."
"Answer his questions, Corporal," the Terran said.
"Thank you for indulging him. Curiosity from his people is not common," the Overseer said. "They are slow to act unless ordered, but ultimately a gentle and trustworthy people."
Undrat put the rest of what the Overseer was saying out of his mind as he slowly moved over to the Terran.
One always moved slowly and obviously when approaching a stranger.
"Have you had it long?" Undrat asked.
"This particular one? About a month or so," the Terran said. "Command ordered at least one heavy gunner per squad once the Dwellerspawn started spawning heavy units in greater numbers."
Undrat looked around. The vegetation looked weird to him and he realized he never really paid too much attention to the plants unless he was tending to a greenhouse or field of crops.
"What are Dwellerspawn?" he asked.
"Bioweapons from outer space," the Terran said. "They landed a month ago, we had to use atomic and biowarfare to counter them."
"Oh," Undrat said.
"Have you been in the shelter the entire time?" the Terran asked.
"Yes," Undrat said, still staring at the weapon. He could see how it operated, although he was not sure about the function of the large orbs attached to the back of each of the ammunition boxes. Perhaps more ammunition? But why store it in a round object when a rectangular box would be more efficient?
"How long?" the Terran asked.
"Five hundred twenty-three sleep cycles," Undrat said. "We will have to go to half rations soon."
The Terran nodded.
After a while the Overseer turned around and made a motion at the Tukna'rn. "Follow. We must prepare for something."
Undrat was slightly disappointed to leave the interesting looking weapon behind, but he followed the Overseer. They moved to one of the cargo loading areas for the shelter and the Overseer brought up the elevator. He ordered the Tunka'rn to rest and they waited.
After some time the Overseer waved at Undrat and his cousin Akdru to follow. They moved over to the heavy door and opened it.
Heavy blocky looking vehicles towing a heavy trailer were backed up to the door. The Overseer and the two Tukna'rn used hand motions to guide the three trucks as they backed up. When they reached a point halfway to the cargo elevator they stopped.
Terrans got out and moved to the back, lowering the ramps in the back.
Inside were boxes marked as food, medicine, clothing, toys, blankets, entertainment, and survival parts.
The boxes were thick heavy metal, the kind Undrat had only previously seen on spaceships.
One of the Terrans told the Overseer that he could have the boxes sterilized by fire or UV light, it was safe for the contents.
The Tukna'rn worked without complaint alongside the Terrans to stack the contents of the trucks onto the elevator. Once it was fully loaded, the Overseer and Undrat's father rode it down.
It was back in half an hour and Undrat was proud of his fellow Tukna'rn in the shelters for unloading the elevator so quickly.
It went on, until finally the Overseer told the Terrans that the shelter's stocks were full again.
Undrat was glad. He was tired now but did not want to show it in front of the Terrans.
When he rode the elevator down with the last load of supplies, the Overseer told them all how he was proud of them, how they had done their people, and all the people in the shelter, proud that day.
When asked how much longer that the people must stay in the shelter, the Overseer startled them all.
"Until the Terrans say it is safe. The mad lemurs of Terra fight against the planet itself as the planet was corrupted by something vile from outer space," the Overseer said. "They are winning, but it is slow. We will all be safer in the shelter."
"This is our home. Should we not fight beside the lemurs?" Undrat asked.
The Overseer looked at him. "I am proud of your willingness to fight next to the lemurs, but no, you are untrained in combat. I will not waste your life."
Undrat felt pleasure in the fact that the Overseer still considered him valuable.
So Undrat stayed in the shelter. Helping maintain it, waiting patiently for the Terrans to say it was all clear.
Less than a hundred sleep cycles passed before he was allowed to leave the shelter.
The habitation where he had lived was gone, a pile of scorched rubble now overgrown with grass and moss. The dining facility was little more than crumbled plascrete. The vast warehouses were flattened, the tarmac reduced to thick soil.
The Overseer led them to a place with thick walls. For almost a week he simply waited to be told what to do. He sat on his bunk for most days, watching the colorful programs on the vidslate he had been given, the cloth one piece clothing as comfortable as the boots.
After that the Overseer told them that they would help the Terrans.
He carried boxes, moved machinery, helped the Terrans as they kept "Refugee City Tau" working and providing comfort for everyone.
One day the Overseer came to Undrat's room that he shared with three others. The Overseer sent the other three out and sat down on a chair, folding his arms.
"Worker Undrat, while we were in the shelters you expressed a desire to fight next to the mad lemurs of Terra," the Overseer said.
"I did," Undrat said after a moment. It took him a moment to remember, but he remembered it with perfect clarity.
"Is that still true?" the Overseer asked.
Undrat sat and thought about it. The Overseer waiting patiently. Finally Undrat looked at the Overseer.
"It is."
The Overseer nodded. "The Terran Confederate Military Forces are recruiting neo-sapients like your people. You are a good solid dependable being and a hard worker. I will be pleased to refer your name to their recruiters."
"Thank you, Overseer," Undrat said, and meant it.
The Overseer left.
Two days later the Terrans came and got him. They had him take tests. Written, verbal, video. Tests of logic and math and spelling and problem solving. He answered the questions one by one if he could, if he could not, he simply moved to the next one once he realized he could not answer it. After that came the physical tests. Then tests regarding his emotional and psychological state.
Three days later the Overseer informed him that he was accepted into the Terran military and that he was to go and choose one of the many jobs he had tested for.
The Overseer urged him to be diligent in his studies when the Terrans trained him for his new job.
Undrat agreed.
A day later the Overseer came to see him off as the Terrans loaded him and others into a heavy vehicle to take them to Camp Alpha for training.
A year later, Undrat went to see the Overseer in his new uniform. The Overseer expressed pleasure in seeing him and expressed pride in Undrat at graduating from the difficult Terran military training.
He told the Overseer that he was a "Heavy Weapon Specialist" in the Terran Army now.
The Overseer urged him to be diligent and attentive to training and his duties, as the Overseer was in ensuring that the neo-sapients, the people, under his care received the highest level of comfort and necessities he could.
Another year passed. Undrat trained hard, mindful of the Overseer's words. He often wrote to his family, and the Overseer, about his training. He learned how to use many different weapons, from a simple magnetic acceleration pistol to the massive 155mm Hellbore crew served self-propelled gun. He learned to operate weapons from the doors of strikers, mounted on vehicles, or just plopped into the dirt. He learned how to call for close air support, for artillery, for orbital bombardment, for medical dustoffs.
The Overseer wrote back, praising Undrat for his diligence.
It had been two years to the day that Undrat had joined the Terran military when it happened.
The sirens went off again.
This time, the words from beyond were different.
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submitted by Ralts_Bloodthorne to HFY [link] [comments]

How I got a (not really an) HOA disbanded - and destroyed a bitchy "President of the HOA" in the process. Warning: LONG ASS READ! - So long in fact, I had to split it into two parts! This is part 5-8

I was invited by one of the mods to share this here as a mega thread, so here goes...
Edit - apparently this saga was so long that I had to split it into two parts. This is part 5-8.

Well, apparently I need to put this in here. I do not give consent for my posts to be read/interpreted/posted to any monetized or ad-supported platform. Examples include YouTube or other platforms. Short version: If you make money off reading someone else's posts, I do not give consent for you to make money off of my posts.
Part 5:
IRS agents arrived bright and early yesterday morning at the Harpy's house. Including two from the IRS's Criminal Investigation Division.
These are people with arrest power, by the way. And yeah, that's important later in the day.
When I left for work Friday morning, the two IRS-CID agents were walking up to the Harpy's house. I texted my neighbor and friend who lives with a line of sight to her house, and he started sending me updates throughout the day. After the initial pair of agents arrived, another SUV arrived with several more agents. These were apparently there to collect evidence.
Now, I need to briefly back up a few months before the psycho's world started to come crashing down. I had noticed a brand new Mercedes SUV driving around the neighborhood, but really didn't think anything of it. Never paid attention to who was driving it, and really couldn't care. Well, it turns out that before the excrement hit the rotating wind vectoring device, she was living high on the hog, and went out and bought herself a brand new shiny SUV.
Among all of the evidence gathered Friday, they were looking pretty hard at that SUV. According to my friend, several pictures were taken, clipboards consulted, and a lot of looking at the area of the windshield where one would find the VIN.
Around mid-day, the agents that didn't have "Special Agent" on their jackets began hauling out boxes sealed with red tape to their SUV. Several boxes. As well as at least one computer tower, and he thinks a laptop as well.
I thought that my day was made. I really did. But Friday evening, my day got oh-so-much better.
My friend came over and told me he had something to show me.
He pulled out his phone, and gave me an absolute shit-eating grin.
He made me wait for it.
It was worth it.
Dear readers, I got to watch video that my friend shot from his living room window, of the Harpy. Lil' miss President of the Not-Really-an-HOA. Oh, and an absolute bitch to boot, I got to see video of her doing the perp walk.
I got to watch her be marched, obviously ranting and yelling, and stuffed into the back of a Federal Law Enforcement SUV.
Word spread fast through the neighborhood. The scuttlebutt is mostly along the lines of "Interfering with the duties of a Federal Agent". Unsurprisingly, she was released on either bond or recognizance this morning. But she got to spend a night in jail. And she's managed to dig her legal hole just that much deeper.
And there was just one last bit of schadenfreude this afternoon. I was out working in my backyard, and from my yard, I can see the side of her house. So I'm out there, and a flatbed tow truck comes up the street. Didn't think much of it, until I glanced over again, and happen to see it stopped in front of the Harpy's house.
With a county Sheriff's Office cruiser parked there. (Guess they were helping out the IRS).
I say that because that flatbed loaded up that brand new, not even a year old Mercedes SUV. With the Sheriff's deputy standing there the whole time. She was *not* allowed to remove any personal belongings from the SUV. She was not allowed within 10 yards of it, or of the tow truck, or the tow driver. As the driver was turning around to head back out of the neighborhood, I could see that she was on her phone. And clear as day, I heard her ask/shout "WHAT DO YOU MEAN, EVIDENCE!!!"
My house is about half a block from hers. As her shiny SUV was towed away, it drove past my yard. She was watching it drive away, and then saw me in my yard.
I couldn't help myself. I smiled, and waved.
She flipped me off, turned on her heel, and stomped away.
I've had a permanent grin the rest of the day.
Ladies and Gentlemen, this has been one helluva ride. But I think I may have won. Finally.
As of last weekend, the Harpy's house has a "For Sale By Owner" sign in front of it. I wanted to wait and make as comprehensive update as I could. This morning, I got the call I was waiting for from my lawyer (although much more quickly than I was expecting this to all end.).
As I mentioned in the comments in part 5, the Harpy decided to sue me. Tortious interference with business relationship. Tortious interference with contractual relationship. Intentional infliction of emotional harm. Loss of consortium (apparently this whole mess falling down around her ears caused her husband to divorce her). A couple of other things, but those were the high points.
So this psycho decides to sue us for just over $100,000.... Not sure where she came up with that number exactly, but it was enough to cause my eyebrows to raise just a little bit. After my initial panic, I read through the complaint thoroughly. And realized that she had absolutely no evidence. Just a bunch of conjecture and assumption. She was guessing that I was the one who had initially mailed out the letter that revealed the sham HOA. And based the entire lawsuit on that guess. But she had absolutely no proof.
Ok. Lawyering up time. I have a pre-paid legal service through my work, so I got the initial consultation provided by that, and after reading through the actual filings and complaint, my attorney started to laugh, and then got a very malicious look on her face. I told her the entire story, told her about the reddit posts, she read through them and felt that while they could all be tied together into a cohesive picture, that all depended on having some kind of evidence to start with. Assuming the Harpy somehow caught wind of these posts, in her opinion there wasn't enough to even send a subpoena to reddit to get my e-mail address. Not that it would have gotten the Harpy much, since there's not really any obvious link between that particular e-mail address and my actual name. Again, lots of conjecture, but nothing that could be entered into evidence in court.
Why the laughter and then malice? Simple. Our state has a particularly robust "anti-SLAPP" ordinance in place. For those not familiar with the term, "SLAPP" is a "stragetic lawsuit against public participation". You hear about those lawsuits meant to just keep people quiet? Yeah, that's a SLAPP lawsuit. Essentially it's trying to use the legal system to punish you for exercising your free speech rights.
So my attorney explains this to me in great detail. The short version of it is, the way the law is written, Harpy and her attorney now need to prove that this is not a lawsuit that is meant to deter participation in a public venue. This is *really* hard to prove in this case. We're not sure what their plan was , maybe try for a quick settlement or something. I can pretty much guarantee that their plans did *not* include an attorney with a lot of experience in SLAPP litigation. It certainly didn't help that the case was assigned to a judge that my attorney had argued in front of before, and she knew that this judge did not take very kindly to people attempting to weaponize the legal system. I'm not familiar enough with the legal jargon and the finesse of "legalese", but my attorney read through the complaint muttering things like "amateur" and "idiot". It was painfully obvious (at least to her) that this attorney was not exactly... "experienced".
This became all the more evident once we got to our first hearing. We went before the judge in late December, just before the court took a break for the holidays (at least for civil matters - this delayed further proceedings in our case until last week).
During our first hearing, after her attorney (badly) made his opening statement, my attorney got up there. And she absolutely destroyed him. I'm going to have to get a copy of the transcript and study it because some of the verbal judo she used was just a masterpiece. She tore the entirety of their case apart in about 15 minutes. There was absolutely no evidence, there was no way at that point to obtain any evidence to bolster their case, and it is obvious that this lawsuit was the legal equivalent of throwing crap at the wall to see if anything stuck. Then came the coup de grace.
"Your honor, we would like to file a counter suit under [relevant state ordinance]. This is clearly a "SLAPP" suit, based on [multitude of legal citations and references] that is intended to stifle my clients right to free speech under both the [state] constitution as well as the United States Constitution. Even if my client had made all the statements the plaintiff alleges, which we do not admit to, they would be protected speech based on [lots of case citations]. As such, we are serving notice of our intent to seek not only attorney's fees and compensatory damages for my client's time lost from work, but also punitive damages under [multiple case citations]." (This is not an exact quote, I may update it if I get a copy of the court transcripts.)
As soon as she mentioned that specific state ordinance, Harpy's attorney started to look a little nervous. But it was nothing compared to the look on the Harpy's face when my attorney mentioned the counter-suit. Panic probably covers that best.
We were standing outside the courtroom after submitting our discovery request, etc with the court clerk for the counter-suit. We saw the Harpy and her attorney at the far end of the hall, and she was obviously tearing into him, albeit quietly. But you could tell she was *pissed*. She saw me looking at them, grabbed him, and walked away.
At this point, I had expected to wait at least a month, maybe even longer before we got our next hearing. The Harpy's attorney provided the documents we had asked for though, and so my attorney and I went over them one afternoon. At this point, we had not yet set an amount we were countersuing for, but my attorney was saying that about $10,000 was probably what we would end up at provided that they didn't drag the case out and increase the billable hours/lost time figure. We weren't looking to break her, but we wanted at a minimum attorney's fees and my lost work time. That was probably about $4k at that point all together. Add in a few thousand for punitive damages, and we came up to that figure. But after reviewing the discovery documents we realized that Harpy was most likely not only flat broke, but drowning in debt.
Last week, my attorney got a phone call from her attorney. They were looking for a quick settlement. But now it was the other way around. They were hoping we would be content with a quick settlement, and were looking for what it would take to just make this all go away. They realized that with the anti-SLAPP motion we had them over a barrel, and that she had absolutely no proof that I was the one involved anyways. They knew they were hosed, so they had made a request to the judge to dismiss their lawsuit. But because we had hit them with the anti-SLAPP counter, they now had to convince us to drop our suit.
My attorney talked it over with me, and we agreed to let it go strictly at costs incurred. At that point we had gotten up to about $5k. And my attorney wrote the settlement offer in such a way that the Harpy owes the money to the attorney directly, instead of making me pay her and then try to squeeze water from a stone get paid myself. Darn nice of her, I thought. I know I'm probably not going to see the money that's owed me for lost time, but I used vacation time for those days, so I'm not really out the money, just out the accrued vacation time. Would be nice to get some of that back in the form of money, but it's doubtful. Maybe in 10 years that judgement will finally get paid. Who knows.
My attorney called me this morning. The judge approved the settlement. The case was dismissed with prejudice (one of the conditions of our settlement) meaning the Harpy can't ever try to come back at me again for it. Also a no contact order against her. Just for grins... Would love to get her arrested for violating that order, but she's still looking at the potential for time in the greybar hotel for her IRS shenanigans. So that makes me smile a bit.
Now, back to the listing on her home. Since she still has some contacts in the real estate world, even though her home is a for sale by owner, she managed to get it listed in the regional MLS with her as the contact for the "listing agent". The interesting bit about that is that she's very obviously in dire financial straights. Refinances in our county show up as "sales" in the public title history for a home. So looking at when my wife and I refinanced our home, we can see how much the house was "sold" for as the refinance on sites like Zillow. So I looked at the history for her home. She refi'd it around the time of the settlement to the neighborhood for the original fraudulent "HOA" scheme for very close to Zillow's estimate of what the home was worth. So I'm guessing she cashed out most, if not all of her equity in the home to pay for that settlement. The house is currently being listed for about 10% higher than the current Zillow estimate (yeah, I know those are pretty darn unreliable) but the real interesting thing is on the MLS listing, there's a spot where you have to disclose whether it's a short sale or a Bank owned property. And sure 'nuff, under Short Sale? It says "YES".
Let that sink in. She's trying to sell this house for about 10% more than it appears to be worth, and it's *still* less than what she owes the bank..
I think I'll wait until I get home tonight, and then make a quick phone call to the MLS folks and let them know she's no longer a licensed real estate agent and that her listing is a For Sale By Owner.
So with the Coronavirus fun and excitement that everyone has been having, most of the courts in our area have slowed way down. Criminal cases are still proceeding in some instances, but not all. Federal courts have been hit or miss, but things have been slowly grinding through. I hadn't really planned on any more updates until the legal proceedings were all wrapped up, but we had some excitement happen a few days ago that I thought this group might appreciate.
We had put a few cameras around our place after a utility trailer was stolen, and they're set up to alert us when they detect motion inside our property line (roughly - the zones start between 2 and 10 feet inside our property line depending on the camera angle). So after getting the kiddos to bed, the Mrs. and I were settling in to watch a little TV when my phone pinged with a motion alert. I pull it up and, sure enough, that sure looks like little Ms. Harpy coming stumbling up our driveway. Camera is in black and white mode since it's after dark, so we can't be sure. So she gets to the front door and that camera has enough light to show color, and sure as hell, it's her. What the hell?
If you remember in part 6, part of the settlement was a no-contact order against this psycho. I ask my wife to go get our copy of the order out of the filing cabinet, grab a pistol and holster out of the safe real quick (licensed, don't worry) and throw it on under my sweatshirt. I don't trust this psycho for one second, and I have no idea what the hell she's doing. I'm on the phone with 911 already, asking them to send the county sheriff since I have a no contact order and the subject of that order is now on my front porch loudly banging on my door.
Now, I admit that I made a mistake here. I did not want her to wake up my girls, so I put the 911 dispatcher on speaker, put the phone in my front pocket, and opened the door. Told her to step off my porch. I should have just left the psycho pounding on the door until the deputies arrived. Thankfully, my mistake did not bite me in the ass. And it did give me a front row seat for the shenanigans that were about to follow.
I'm not sure exactly how much she drank. But she was beyond drunk. She was blasted. She reeked of booze as if she'd been marinating for a couple of days. Maybe longer. And of course, being that drunk, she was loud.
I ask her to step away from my house some more so we can talk. Well, I talk, she yells. Basically what it boiled down to is (translated from drunk) that I ruined her life, that I'm the reason she's losing her house, I'm the reason she's going to jail (she didn't know it, but that was foreshadowing), I'm the reason the IRS is on her, that she lost her marriage, her career, her car, everything. This drunk soliloquy took over 7 minutes according to my cameras. She caps it off with "and maybe I should just kill myself right here right now and maybe you'd be happy with that too!".
Well, crap. I'm now worried that she's got a knife, or some other weapon. I *really* don't want to have to draw on her, or worse. But I'm hearing the deputies coming (they stepped up their response to lights and sirens when she threatened to kill herself). So I know they're close, and I'm trying to verbally de-escalate her. Basically just trying to stall and let them come deal with her. I've backed up several more feet to open distance between us and am just hoping the deputies get here soon. All the time I've got an open line with 911 still on speaker phone.
She continues her drunken rambling until the deputies show up about a minute later, mostly about how it's just "aaaaaaaall my fault". But now her drunk and belligerent escalates up a notch or 5, as she's realized that I must have called the deputies. She starts cussing at me, at them, at life in general. It's a pretty spectacular drunken raving. Kinda made me wish my cameras recorded audio. They are trying to get her attention, they're trying to get her to cooperate with their commands, and I'm backing away from her, telling her to talk to them. Well, pretty quick they realize she's gonna be one of *those* cases. So one of them draws their tazer and starts giving more... Forceful commands.
Well, apparently little miss President of the Not-really-an-HOA really doesn't like being talked to in that tone. Especially not when she's drunk. So she turns to the deputies and starts giving them a piece of her mind. They're ordering her to put her hands up, etc, and she decides that she really wants to get closer to them to yell at them some more.
Two steps.
Two steps, and then I hear the oh so distinctive "POPtactactactactactactactactac" of a tazer being deployed. Stiff as a board, her momentum proceeds to topple her forwards and she faceplants right into my front lawn. Then she's at the bottom of I'd guess a 350+ lb pile of law enforcement and their assorted gear while they cuff her. She's wailing, crying, and I'm just in shock at how crazy this night has gone. Eventually she's stuffed into the back of one of their patrol cars and they come talk to me to figure out just what the hell was going on. By this point my wife has handed me our copy of the no contact order, which I show them and explain (briefly) what all has gone on that has led up to this point.
The deputies go and try to talk to her, but she's just blabbering and crying now. Something else to realize is that with the COVID issues we're having, they're not really taking people to jail for more minor infractions, it's just a citation to appear at such and such date. So I figure they'll take her over But after running her through NCIC/LEDS, turns out that violating the no-contact order puts her in violation of the terms of her bail from when the IRS agents were there gathering evidence.
As of yesterday, she was still showing lodged in the county jail (our county has searchable lists of anyone in the jail), and on top of everything else, she's now been charged with violating a no-contact order and her bail has been revoked. Also from what the deputies were saying, on the off chance she is going to be released, since I'm the protected party on the no-contact order, I will be notified.
I do believe she has picked that shovel back up and dug her hole that much deeper.
PART 7b:
Well, someone messaged me asking for an update - I'll keep it brief:
She was released from jail approximately three weeks after this incident. We had a video conference with the judge, and she was not amused by Ms. Harpy's antics. Yes, my video recording of the incident (with the audio from the 911 call) were the prosecutors star witnesses. She made it abundantly clear that if it weren't for the current mess with COVID, she'd have kept Ms. Harpy in the county jail until she went to trial for the various charges. She did strengthen the protective order a bit. It was actually rather hilarious. She asked me exactly how far the Harpy's property line was from ours. A quick look at google maps and we had our answer "75 feet, your honor". The judge then told her that she was to come no closer than 75 feet from our property line in any instance, and that other than when she was at home, she was to maintain 300 feet from us at any given time. The Harpy had the audacity to whine "but that's the route I take to leave the neighborhood!" The judge asked her if there was another way out of the neighborhood. "Yes." "Then I suggest you take that route," the judge replied. It adds about 5 minutes to going anywhere from our area - she has to weave through a lot of residential side streets. Nothing earth-shattering, but certainly annoying.
The house is still listed for sale by owner. Not surprising, since she's asking about 15% higher than similar houses have sold for in our neighborhood. She also has not dropped the price at all. I've seen some serious people in serious looking suits out at her place, so I suspect foreclosure may be coming down the pipe - again once this COVID mess is over.
I haven't heard a peep regarding the federal charges she may be facing. I do know that to say the courts are moving at a glacial pace would be an understatement. I suspect that it may take a year or more for this part to process through. Plus the possibilities of appeals, etc.
Ultimately, I am shocked at how this whole thing has snowballed. All over being bitchy to my wife. I suspect there's a lesson in there somewhere. :)
But first, the obligatory TL;DR:
President of a fake HOA is a bitch to my wife. Gets sued, loses her husband, career, car, and house. She tries to sue me and loses. Decides to get drunk and belligerent, gets tazed. And now is convicted of multiple counts of fraud (misdemeanor and felony) plus a bunch more lawsuits filed.
So a slightly longer summary is that when my wife and I bought our home, we were very specific in avoiding HOA's. After moving in, we met the "president of the HOA" behind our house. AT FIRST, she seemed nice enough, but little did we know the insanity that was going to come out of her. So we hired an arborist to take down a hazardous limb from a tree, and weren't able to move the wood onto our property the day of since he finished late and I was heading out of town the next day. The psychopath decided to freak out on my wife, until she browbeat her into moving these wood rounds (some weighing in excess of 100 lbs) by herself. They were stacked neatly, out of the way, and in no way an impediment to foot traffic. She claimed that the area that the rounds were stacked on was private property of the HOA (turns out it wasn't!) and that it needed to be moved immediately.
Well, some time later, some hedges that were growing on the "HOA's private property" pushed over a section of our wooden fence. E-mailed her, and the short version of her reply was that it wasn't their property and wasn't their hedges so we were SOL on getting our fence fixed by them. Waitwhut?
This kicked off a couple of weeks of calling a multitude of county departments to find out who actually owned that chunk of land. Eventually learn that it is actually county property as part of the right-of-way that was ceded to the county for a road. And the reason it took so long to figure this out was that there *was* no HOA registered with the county. So I sent an anonymous letter to everyone in the "HOA" with what I had found out.
Cue everyone in the fake HOA suing her ass for fraud.
Her husband, who was not in on the scam, promptly files for divorce - he wants absolutely no part in this.
IRS and state revenue agency start crawling up her ass for back taxes.
She was a real estate agent and principal broker. Those licenses were revoked by the state. She loses her job.
House goes up for sale, it's listed for abut 15% higher than comps and it's still a short sale - so she's in deep trouble financially.
She gets arrested for interfering with the duties of a federal agent when the IRS comes knockin - and they seize her brand new Mercedes SUV to boot.
Tries to sue me, loses badly, and has to pay my costs and attorneys fees, and I file for a protective order because she's crazy.
Gets drunk and belligerent, violates protective order. Gets tazed by the county mounties for her troubles. Jail again. Stronger restraining order.
That all brings us to the beginning of this final update....
Due to COVID, courts in my state have been moving at a rather slow pace on civil cases, but criminal cases have resumed... And so recently I had the privilege of sitting in the witness box at our local courthouse, and got to explain to a judge and jury what this insane ride was (I wasn't one of the primary witnesses, I was more for the wrap up of the prosecutor's case. Most of the testimony came from not only her previous victims who lived in the fake HOA, but also other people she has defrauded over the years. It took three days just to get through all of the victims testimony. I was the final witness, and the prosecutor had already gotten the approval of the judge for my testimony, since while some of what I was going to testify to was second hand, it was corroborating the testimony of the actual victims, and really just wrapped the whole case up in a nice neat little package.
So I got to sit there, and tell this whole saga, from start to finish. I don't think the jury even blinked. The defense attorney tried to object a couple of times about hearsay, etc, but he ended up overruled on most of them.
The prosecutor then had to get his last jab in, "So Mr. AmbulanceDriver2, this whole house of cards that she had built up on fraud and deceit, what kicked out the card that caused it to all came down around her?
"What it all boils down to is how she treated my wife that day. Had it not been her assertion of that strip of land being private property, I probably would never have done the digging that I did. But had she not been so rude to my wife, it's probable that I would have just let it go at that, and that I wouldn't have shared my findings with the entire neighborhood."
I wasn't able to be in there for any of the other testimony since it could have tainted my testimony, but in the end she was found guilty of easily a half dozen misdemeanors and at least 10 felonies. I haven't been able to pull up the court records to get an exact count of which were which, but most of those were from new victims she had defrauded since the HOA scam fell apart. There were a couple of more technical violations of the law interspersed (I believe they were specifically relating to shenanigans she pulled as a real estate agent), but fraud is the bulk of what she was convicted of. Sentencing was rather anticlimactic, she got pinged for about 10 years, but talking to the prosecutor about it she will likely serve 5-6 years actually incarcerated.
Her house is in foreclosure. Not sure when the auction is going to happen, but she had already moved out by the time it was officially foreclosed on.
And she's still facing heat on the federal side. No idea what's going to be happening there. I'll probably find out if/when they request that I testify.
I do want to address what some people have said in previous comments. That I'm taking this too far, that I'm taking too much glee in what's happened to her, that I'm a revenge bully. When I sent the letters to the neighborhood, I expected that the fake HOA would be disbanded, and not much more.I was somewhat surprised to hear about lawsuits, and I will admit to a certain degree of schadenfreude at seeing her knocked down a peg or three. But I had no idea how this was going to snowball. It's gotten to the point where I do somewhat feel bad for her. Like maybe I've taken this too far. But I have come to the realization that had she not been scamming people, none of this would have happened to her. While I may have been the one that kicked out the bottom card of that house of cards, I had no idea how massive this was. And so I save my pity for her victims. Most of them probably won't ever get back what they lost to her. Some did, early on. But that's a fraction of her victims. The rest? I highly doubt it. Last time I looked at the court records, she was named as defendant in at least a half a dozen lawsuits. I suspect that number has grown since then.
I guess what it all boils down to is that if you're scamming people, don't piss off your neighbors. you never know what they might dig up.
submitted by AmbulanceDriver2 to NuclearRevenge [link] [comments]

I became the most powerful entity in the universe. What could go wrong? | Chapter 10

Hello everyone, Hope you're all having a wonderful day! I'd like thank you all for supporting this series, it really motivates me to write. With that said, hope you enjoy this chapter.
Start from Chapter 1 | Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
Chapter 10 - Is this the best day of my life?
When you have an inseparable God virus in your body like I do, dreaming can go one of two ways. Either the virus reacts to the dream as it would react to conscious behavior, or it will be aware that its host is dreaming and attempt to interfere. I thought about it and found more than enough reasons to believe in the latter theory. But that raised another question — in what way will it interfere?
A) Because dreams are a side effect to a natural brain activity during REM sleep, the virus will remove that side effect, preventing me from dreaming.
B) The virus will try to communicate with me, or vice versa.
C) The virus will give me lucid control over the dream, and since the virus is going to be involved, the experience will be somehow more exceptional than regular lucid dreaming.
Analyzing these theories any further would be a waste of time, so I decided to put it in practice. But in the unlikely event that the virus is going to burn down the kingdom while I'm asleep, I knew I had to take measures to avoid that.
So, I stopped by the inn after reverting the color of my hair and eyes. Yes, I mean ‘stopped by’ because I wasn’t going to do something dangerous like ‘sleeping’ in my own room, that would be crazy. You see, I had another destination in mind. It’s just that some preparations were in order before I headed there.
The blanket we had on our bed was the first thing I took, securing a fairly comfortable surface to sleep on. I folded it and tucked it away in an empty leather bag. I also needed a rope, which I couldn’t find in the room. ‘I guess I’ll just buy one on the way,’ I said to myself and resumed packing. Next set of items were a blank notebook, a quill and a bottle of ink. Because, in case my dreams end up being completely ordinary, I wanted to take notes of what I could recollect after waking up; since dreams are normally easy to forget.
For the last item I needed, I began preparing some UU enchantments. If you remember, UU enchantments are based on magnetically coded instructions electronically translated and converted into magic skills. Therefore, it doesn’t require the ‘enchanter’ to have an associated enchantment skill. Basically, I was manually encoding binary instructions into magnetic disks.
Knock! Knock!
“I have brought you tea, lord Zenith,” the innkeeper’s muffled voice came through the closed door. She apparently saw me enter the inn and prioritized on preparing me tea.
“Come in,” I replied loud enough for her to hear. I remained occupied with coding, as she opened the door and walked up to the coffee table behind me. “Leave it here,” I said, referring to the study table by which I was working. Obediently, she brought it to my side and poured the tea from the kettle into the cup.
“Lord Zenith, as you requested, the rumors about non-believers and ill-intended people being smitten by the one true God is being spread around. It was just as you predicted. We all received the news about the giant apple tree in the Kullu district, and now this whole city is talking about it in relation with the rumors.”
“Very good,” I didn’t take my eyes away from the task I was doing.
She set the tea cup and coaster off the tray and comfortably within my reach on the table. “I shall take your leave then,” she said and proceeded out.
Before she got to the door, I called out to her. “Oh and could you bring me two sets of ropes? Maybe also something sharp to cut it with.”

I boarded a shared carriage to get to my destination. I wanted to board a private one, but they were all pre-booked. The shared carriage was not too bad though, especially because I paid the coachman for an extra seat. You see, with shared carriages, you have to wait until a certain amount of time or a certain number of passengers to occupy the seats before departure. When I boarded, the coachman needed one more person to board, so I offered, “I’ll pay for two people if we start now.” Unsurprisingly, money speaks louder than patience.
On the ride, I continued working on encoding the enchantment instructions. Okay, I’ll admit that I couldn’t finish it at the inn like I thought I would, but in my defense, coding in raw binary language is a pain. So there I was, mashing buttons on a peculiar apparatus with every other passenger staring at me and it.
The magnetic disk was inside a disk reader the size of a toaster, and it was connected to an input device with 3 main components; two for reading data and one for writing. On the left, there was a numeric keypad. This was to set the pointer on a specific memory location on the disk. Right above the keypad was an analogue screen with all the data readable in binary form. The device can read up to 8000 bits of data, the pointer starting from 0 to 7999, which is too much to fit on a still screen. So to its side, there was a rotator to scroll through the screen. Last but not least, on the right, there were two buttons representing ‘0’ and ‘1’ used to write data.
Just to be clear, this apparatus was engineered fairly recently. When we initially made the UU enchantments, data was encoded manually by hand. After the demo, I designed this apparatus and Devon engineered it, making it easy thereon.
Ignoring the curious stares of my co-passengers, I finished overwriting the old code with the new one. I ejected the disk from the disk reader, and pulled out the enchantment device out of my leather bag. Then I connected the disk to the input mechanism of it, and hoped for the best. Seventh time’s the charm. I snapped my fingers in the air and the sound was heard by everyone in the carriage. Following that, I released a little mana to be processed by the enchantment. And snapped my fingers again near the enchantment’s output.
Voila! There was no sound this time. I didn’t hear it, and neither did the other confused passengers. My soundproofing enchantment was finally working. I put the device into my bag, and pulled out another disk to code the instructions for the second enchantment I needed. Fortunately, this one was simple. Because, what I needed was electrical insulation and I’ve already developed the binary code for that in the ‘lightning resistance’ enchantment that is among our line of products. It’s the equivalent of copy-pasting from stack overflow, except I’m the one who wrote the code in the first place.
Anyway, I was done with all the preparations by the time I reached my destination, or rather close to it. I was dropped off about 3 kilometers away upon being stopped by government officials who prohibited entry past that point into the perimeter. Moreover, people who lived in that area were being evacuated on priority due to dangerous levels of electrical currents.
Amidst this orderly confusion, I paid the coachman what I promised, and set my eyes back on the scene, specifically on the monster that was impossible to miss — the tree that penetrated the clouds and was generating several gigawatts of power every second. Imagine spotting a skyscraper from 3 kilometers away and it still manages to look breathtakingly massive, that pretty much sums up what I was seeing.
Even as people were primarily focused on evacuation, there were still plenty who just stood and marveled at the tree. I overheard one of them, a lady, saying, “Did you hear? They are saying that this was an act of our one true God, smiting upon evildoers that were doing something bad in that place.”
“Really? What were they doing?” asked the curious person to whom the lady gossiped.
“I don’t know. But whatever it is, the city guards must be aware of it and are not telling us.”
Surprisingly, the rumors have managed to spread so far in less than 10 hours; I suppose I underestimated my own followers. It looks like they are going to soon find out about the red mages who held captives for slave trading. And when they do… Needless to say, matters are moving in my favor.
Anyway, on to dreaming. I moved away from the crowd, and found a secluded spot where I settled down. I made sure no city guards or civilians were in sight, and began focusing on developing a much needed skill at the moment — flight. There are plenty of ways to fly using magic. Despite that, not many were ideal for me in the current situation. For example, I can use some sort of gaseous ignition to initiate thrust, but that’s going to end up burning all the items I was carrying. As for flight methods that are not a fire hazard, I would need better mana control to perform.
Not to worry though. I spent the whole carriage ride here, thinking of a solution. And the solution is simply brute force, by which I don’t mean jumping up, exerting force on the ground. That would be disastrous. I would be using pure mana as particles to carry me through the air. For anyone else, including the immortals, this would be a terrible method of transportation because it continuously consumes ridiculous amounts of mana. It's a good thing my mana pool is a bottomless pit.
> Skillset: … 3D Space Navigation (Complexity - C)
Based on its complexity, you could probably tell that this is a stupidly simple skill. I basically just need to input the 3-dimensional points in space (latitude, longitude, and altitude) and my mana will carry me to that point. Also, this was a really slow mode of transportation, so I activated my camouflage skill before performing it.
I felt my feet lifting up along with my body, and the ground beneath me getting further away. This is the part where you would expect me to use a metaphor linking the ability to fly with freedom. Unfortunately, it was not a comfortable flight. You see, with the mana literally carrying me up, the force exerted on my body from below, including on the crotch region, felt nothing like freedom. I was waiting for the ride to be over.
15 uncomfortable minutes later, I reached the branches of the tree. I was defended against the electrical currents by the virus, as was my leather bag which I held closely to my chest. I landed, stepping on a huge branch. The width of that branch was as big as a sidewalk, and did I mention that the trunk of the tree is 15 meters wide? Looking down from where I stood, I saw thunderclouds, and past that, the humans were practically just a bunch of ants.
I didn't waste much time admiring the view. I unpacked the enchantment tools and set them down between my legs. I pulled out the blanket and the rope and started crafting a hammock. The difficult thing was to ensure none of my items got knocked off by the altitude winds or lightning. Apart from that, things went not so badly. Although a bit crooked because I couldn’t find a perfectly straight branch, the hammock was set up with both the prepared enchantment attributed to it.
Holding on to my bag which still had the book, quill, and ink bottle inside, I laid on the hammock and released my mana for the enchantments to work. Slowly, the noises of thunder faded away and electrical current was getting nowhere near me. I spent a solid 5 minutes consistently releasing my mana to make it an involuntary process as I fell asleep.
For the purpose of lucid dreaming, I maintained a strong conscious awareness that I was going to be dreaming. You can try this out yourself. As long as your conscious is aware that you're in a dream, you'll have lucid control over it. Admittedly, it's easier said than done since it's not easy to maintain conscious awareness when you're in REM sleep. The trick is to slowly adapt to it and you'll eventually be able to do it consistently.
The reason I'm telling you this is to make it clear that prior experiences with dreams significantly helps with lucid dreaming. With that being said, I had never experienced a dream before, at least as far as I was aware. I didn't have a clue about what a dream looks or feels like, I just knew the theory behind it. So unless the virus interferes, I should not be able to lucid dream.
Now, what do you think happened? Did the virus interfere? Did it help me lucid dream? Yes, and yes. But, what I experienced was far beyond anything I predicted. To say it was extraordinary would be a laughable understatement.
First thing I remember was me standing on the same tree branch, staring on to the planet’s horizon. This was my first experience with dreaming, and my conscious was not aware of it. It’s like suddenly being spawned in a place with no clues or context — you have no idea how you got there, but you don’t have the ability to question it either. Another thing about regular dreams is that it’s annoyingly difficult to recollect, and if I try to explain it, it’s going to sound weird. So, bear with me while I do.
An apple dangled before me all of a sudden. It was not a golden apple. Or maybe it was. But I remember the color red, so I’ll go with the bright red apple for the sake of this explanation. I poked it repeatedly for some reason, and it broke. And from it, a creature emerged. It was either a crow or a rat, let’s go with the crow. It immediately fled, and I ran after it. It led me to a more dark and bleak environment where I saw the first group of red mages I consciously murdered in the eastern forest. They had apple trees grown through their bodies and poking out of their faces, just like I remembered. I approached closer, and they silently crumbled down into fragments of charcoal.
That’s the extent to which I remember that dream. The thing to note here is that this dream was completely natural, like any human beings would experience. Right after that dream ended, I remember blackness surrounding me. When I say ‘remember’, I don’t mean vaguely. I vividly remember myself standing in the middle of absolute blackness where I was the only visible entity. And then this information popped up in my head.
> Mana Capacity: INFINITE
> Mana Control: POSITIVE
> Skillset: … Seal (Complexity - S , ???) …
> Character Trait: Logical, Malevolent, Opportunistic, Calculating
> State of Mind: Lucid Dreaming
Either I accidentally activated my analysis skill in my sleep, or as per my theory (2-C) the virus interfered to give me lucid control over the dream. If it was a case of the former, then that doesn’t explain my level, mana capacity and control. So yeah, this was the virus’ interference.
With my consciousness restored, I decided to start testing out the limits of this lucid dream. I recollected the events of the battle with Heath. And sure enough, the blackness that surrounded me transformed into the wasteland under the night sky. The scene was exactly how I remembered it to be, to the point where the details were astonishing.
“So, it was you,” I heard Heath speak the words I remembered. He was wearing his white and gold cloak that he introduced himself with. “You’re the one responsible for killing our people in the eastern forest. I’m glad you showed up as I hoped, it’s nice to meet you…” Meanwhile, the dream version of me stood behind a regular apple tree with overgrown branches, without responding. The scene was going exactly how it actually happened, and I was watching it all from a third person POV.
That’s when I noticed something odd. I walked towards the scene, getting closer and closer to the characters. The sicko was standing on the sidelines, incapable of doing anything as the battle raged on between Edith and Heath. It was around the time when Edith shoved a punch to Heath’s face and broke his nose, the sicko just ran off. Away from the warehouse and away from the battle. Nobody noticed him fleeing, which is what I found odd.
Back at the estate, when I tried to recollect whether the sicko had survived the battle or not, I couldn’t find him in my memory. But now I was seeing every step he took as he was fleeing. ‘Pause,’ I spoke through thought, and the scene froze with Edith’s fireball hanging midway between her and her target with the handlebar mustache.
I immediately realized what was going on, but it was technically only a theory. So, I decided to test it and confirm. I walked all the way up to Heath and resumed the scene. Obviously, none of the characters could see or react to me; I was practically non-existent as far as the scene was concerned.
Heath raised his hand to use his magic to counter Edith’s fireball. ‘Slow down,’ I demanded of the dream, and everything was now in slow motion. Following that, I commanded, ‘Make the mana visible to my eyes,’ and white glowing particles clouded several areas of the battlefield, especially exuding out of the Edith and Heath. I further observed to see the flow of mana as Heath performed his cause and effect skill, whose functionality I was yet to understand.
Not only did I figure out how the skill worked, I also pretty much confirmed my theory — I wasn’t in control of this dream. I mean, I was able to control the dream, but not directly. My commands were being executed by the virus instead. That’s why I was able to see things like the sicko fleeing, which I never paid attention to during the battle. Moreover, the whole scene was extremely detailed like I mentioned earlier, which could be explained by the virus recreating this scene based on my command rather than my less detailed visualization.
As for Heath’s skill, it turned out to be very close to what I assumed. He basically uses mana to scan and determine the cause and effect of any physical action, and replicate it on a target. Additionally he can control which of the causes and effects to replicate in what combination, and to what degree to amplify it based on mana input. For example, take the moment he threw an unexpected gust of wind at me and Edith. His mana determined the cause of my breathing, which is inflation and deflation of the lungs. He replicated that effect and targeted it at us after amplifying it like a million times by consuming a ton of his mana.
I took my sweet time analyzing the flow of mana to figure this all out, which made me rather annoyed to find out there was an instant way to acquire details about a skill. I just had to ask the virus for the skill’s pseudocode. Well, there’s no use pondering over it now. So, I shrugged it off and carried on dreaming.
You see, I wanted to first know the extent to which I could make use of this virus-assisted lucid dreaming. That way, I can plan for ways to farm benefits off of it, perhaps even learn to control my strength. And that’s how I quickly realized the sheer extraordinariness of this dream. The so-called extent of this lucid dreaming was non-existent — there was simply no limit to the things I could do in there.
And how did I realize this? It started with me walking away from the battlefield where Heath and the dream version of me were fighting in slow motion. I walked further into Kullu district and soon found a neighborhood. Out of curiosity, I entered and checked the houses. Sure enough, there were people inside. Some were asleep, some were reading, and some were having sex. Don’t label me as a creep just yet, I was checking the people out to see if I would recognize someone. And I did.
I recognized 3 of the people I found in this neighborhood from an hour ago when I was watching people evacuate with the assistance of the city guards. In other words, the people I was seeing in this lucid dream actually exist in the real world despite the fact that I haven’t seen most of them. Furthermore, what I saw them doing is also accurate to what they were actually doing at that time. And yes, that means a couple was really having sex while I was battling Heath less than 2 kilometers away.
Are you seeing what’s extraordinary about this lucid dream yet? If not, let me tell you one more thing I did in that neighborhood. I roamed around and found the bell that was for alerting its residents of an immediate crisis. I physically rang it, and the people within their homes came pouring out, confused by what was happening. Their expression of confusion and the panicked chattering all stopped when the thunder and lightning came. They saw the glowing tree with their jaws dropped as it grew and grew to the size I was familiar with.
This lucid dream wasn’t merely a recreation of my past experience. Rather, it was the entire universe reconstructed at this specific point in time. So, I could go to the Andromeda galaxy and see whatever happened there during the time I was fighting Heath. If that wasn’t incredible enough, I was also able to interfere with the simulation, triggering the butterfly effect. All of this was being done by the virus.
Naturally, I wasted no time to make use of this situation the best I could. And there were quite a few things I managed to pull off. If I were to start explaining each and every one of them, this chapter could go on for a while. So, I’ll just give you a brief rundown.
1) I observed Edith and learned how to fight. Although, it wasn’t simply observation that allowed me to master 27 styles of martial arts; that would have taken way too long. I actually made use of the virus, and commanded it to embed Edith's martial arts knowledge into me. It sounds like bullshit, but it worked. The instincts, muscle memory, techniques, and all else were cleanly transferred over to me.
However, it wasn’t without problems. You see, all the muscle memory and instincts made me hypersensitive to potential threats. And you know what happens when I subconsciously react to threats. So, I reversed some of the effects, I gave up the instincts, muscle memory, and other aspects that made me touchy.
2) I tracked down the 3 remaining Immortals, and studied their skills. ‘Locate humans with S level complexity skill: Immortality. Search radius: the entire planet,’ was the command I thought of, and it revealed me the coordinates of all 6 of them. Ignoring Edith, Devon, and Heath, I teleported to the other 3. Two females and one male.
Unlike the dynamic between Edith and Devon where Edith is the strongest one, it was different among the castaways. Heath and the other male immortal were significantly stronger than the females, which further strengthened my suspicion that perhaps the Omnipotent faced an issue with coding the male robot as the fighter and the female as the supporter.
3) In addition to locating the other 3 immortals, I used them to sharpen my battle skills. I simply made myself visible to them, and repeatedly provoked fights. I won’t lie, I was having a lot of fun kicking their asses while getting super creative with my seed modification skill. Especially with my new athletic capabilities that came along with the martial arts techniques, I fought those 3 with style.
You may be concerned about my dream battle affecting the real world. But rest assured, there is no real danger as long as I’m lucid dreaming with the assistance of the virus. You see, the virus was occupied with listening to my commands and controlling this dream, which confirms that the virus is aware of my lucid dreaming state. So, there’s no reason for it to react to my dream activities in the real world. However, if I’m physically threatened by something in the real world, that’s a different story.
Anyway, that’s about all the things I managed to do during this dream session. Sure, there were plenty of other things I hadn’t tried out. But for one, they weren’t too important or I failed to realize it, two, I didn’t want to spend too much time in the dream, and three, I can lucid dream any time I want so it’s all good anyway. By the way, if you’re wondering why I didn’t just use this opportunity to look into the future and solve all of my problems immediately, the reason is I couldn’t. I mean technically, I could but it’s not as convenient as you think.
You see, the future is solely based on the present point in time. And the number of futures that can be derived from the present are infinitely many, all of which are equally probable. In other words, there’s no way to look into a specific future out of the infinitely many and make my life easier. Furthermore, looking into the future itself will create a recurring loop since there will now be more futures that are derived from the present where I’ll be aware of a particular future. It’s best not to think too much about this stuff. The concept of time travel is riddled with paradoxes, because it’s simply not possible to achieve in a practical way.
‘End simulation,’ I commanded as I was finally ready to wake up. My surroundings returned back to absolute blackness, and I concentrated to allow my consciousness to leave the state of lucid dreaming. I slowly opened my eyelids, and the blackness was replaced with branches and leaves, and the rope that was tied to my hammock.
I remained laying down for a few seconds to allow my brain to get booted up. There was still no sound I could hear other than my own breath, meaning the enchantments were still in effect. I pulled my body and got down from the hammock, on to the giant branch below. “Hm, that’s weird,” I mumbled, seeing the sun setting before me.
With the sun’s orange hue reflecting off my face and irises, I thought to myself, ‘Looks like only a few hours had passed while I was asleep.’ I was so sure that I was asleep for at least 12 hours though. But if only a few hours had passed while I was lucid dreaming… I brought up my palms to my face and triggered the analysis skill.
> Level: 387
> Mana Capacity: 54000
> Mana Control: A+
> Skillset: … Seal (Complexity - S , Activated) …
> Character Trait: Logical, Malevolent, Opportunistic, Calculating
> State of Mind: Thrilled
Is this the best day of my life? With just a few hours I managed to raise my mana control from F to A+? Based on this, I would say the peaceful life I’m aiming for is just around the corner. Wouldn’t you?
I stopped my involuntary release of mana, wearing off the enchantment, and the sounds of thunder returned. After packing up everything I had brought along, I was all set to fly back down and back home. This called for a huge celebration. Moreover, I didn’t have to use the same 3D space navigation skill to get down. With my current mana control, I could develop a proper flight skill. And that’s what I did.
> Skillset: … Flight (Complexity - B+) …
This skill was also quite simple. Just imagine Ironman with a see-through suit. Admittedly, it still burns half the mana required by the 3D space navigation skill, which is a lot. But the important thing is that this skill is more comfortable to use and easy to maneuver.
Still feeling immense amounts of joy, I descended the tree, passing the thunderclouds. And then I saw something that made my smile disappear — a huge wall surrounding the area of the tree that didn’t exist when I went to sleep. There was another thicker wall surrounding the trunk of the tree, which was connected to the outer wall through a roofed pathway. Surely, this couldn't have been built in a few hours.
Maybe, Just maybe… I’ve been asleep for a little longer than that.

Chapter notes: Zenith's interference in the lucid dream does not affect the real world. The lucid dream is simply a simulation.
submitted by Code-V to HFY [link] [comments]

352 Guide From An Elite 1 Player | REMASTERED For Fifa 21


Last year, I wrote a guide for the 352 tactics I use to earn Elite finishes in the weekend league. I was surprised by how much all of you liked it and I've been receiving some requests for a FIFA 21 reprisal.

Well, I'm Back.

Three weekends into Fifa 21, I have achieved three straight Elite finishes (two Elite 2s and one Elite 2 that should have been an Elite 1 if not for a thunderstorm, a tree, and a powerline deciding to do the horizontal mambo) and I am rather confident in putting out this Fifa 21 Remastered 352 Guide. I have made some big changes and I will be sure to cover all of them below. I am going to use a format similar to the one I used previously.
First and foremost, No, this is not a Drop Back meta-slave setup and once again, this is a VERY lengthy guide in which I will cover player types to use, instructions, tactics, and more. I spent a good amount of time working on this, so if there is anything I did not cover and you have questions please feel free to ask me! Cheers!

Once again, lemme tell you somethin

Table of Contents

  1. Miscellaneous things to know before you start and FAQs.
  2. Why I like the 352 over the 4231 and 442.
  3. Custom tactics and why you need at least 3 different setups.
  4. Instructions for each position.
  5. Player Archetypes for each position in my 352.
  6. Chemistry Styles
  7. Substitution Philosophy.
  8. My play style.
  9. Tips for making the change to the 352.
  10. The teams I have used thus far and my pre-toty target.
  11. Closing Remarks

1. Miscellaneous things to know before you start and FAQs.

2. Why I Like the 352 Over the 4231 and 442.

Let's take a look at how the 352 matches up against the two meta formations. On defense, the 352 has 3 CBs, 2 wingbacks, and 2 CDMs for a total of 7 eligible defenders to contend with your opponent's attack. Stop thinking of your eligible defenders as separate positions. On Defense, you have 7 Defenders and their sole job is to win the ball back. Don't be afraid to pull players out of position. Don't overdo it, though.
Going on the attack, the 352 is overwhelming without leaving you caught out. This will be covered more in the My Play Style section.

3. Custom Tactics and Why You Need at Least 3 Different Setups

This play style requires 3 (sometimes 4) different setups. A standard play setup, a come from behind setup, a hold on for the win setup, and a my-352-isn't-working-this-game setup (yes it will happen. sometimes you just need some variety to break down a very strong defensive opponent). Below is a text version of the tactics with some explanations on why I choose what I choose. If you would like a visual version, please refer to these links:
Standard Play: Use this when the game is tied, or you are up/down by only 1 or 2 goals. Basically, use this when it's a close match.
Come From Behind: Use this when you are down late and need a quick comeback. Be careful when using this setup as you are throwing the kitchen sink at your opponent and are very susceptible to counters.
Hold The Lead: Use this when you are up late and need to hold on. Don't abuse it or use it for extended periods of play as DDA will kick in and you will concede.
My 352 Isn't Working: Use this when you just can't seem to create any scoring opportunities. I switch to this for about 1 opponent every weekend only. 4222 with the same Tactics as Standard Play.

4. Instructions for Each Position

Some of the positions below will have more than one set of instructions. This makes more sense given the context of section 3, immediately preceding this section.
Goalkeeper: With how powerful through balls have become this installment of Fifa, proper goalkeeper instructions are very important. Not to mention that crossing is back.
Centerbacks: Don't touch anything.
Center Defensive Midfielders: Depending on your ability to defend well manually with your CBs, you can be more or less aggressive here. You will/may need 3 different sets of instructions here. If you are a weaker manual defender, you may want to use the Hold The Lead instructions in all setups for more security at the back. Be honest with yourself and your abilities.
Wide Midfielders: These players are the workhorses of your squad. They won't score often and they won't register many assists, but if you skimp on these positions, you will get exploited. Your wide mids need to be able to defend. No, they don't need to body players like VVD, but they do need to do the job well. Outside of that, you can choose to go the pacey route or the technical route. At the early stage of the game, I recommend pacey as it is more forgiving, especially for those switching to the formation for the first time.
Central Attacking Midfielder: Once again, your CAM is your most important player and will score the majority of your goals. His instructions are the same in all setups. It may sound strange, but this really is your best player. He will not only score the most goals, but will have the most assists. (But u/wahoos22, that doesn't make any sense! Your CAM should be the creator for the strikers!?!? Normally you'd be right. More on why in the My Play Style section).
Strikers: Again, it may sound strange, but these players are more creators than goal scorers (but having absolute rockets of shots here doesn't hurt!). This year, you need at least one striker that is good in the air. More on why in section 7.

5. Player Archetypes for Each Position in My 352

A player archetype simply means the type of player I aim to use in each position. My top choice in each section will be bolded. Note that just because a player is my top choice doesn't mean I am currently using them. Also, note that I will not be bolding any icons here because that wouldn't be useful information. I will give cheap (under 100k), middle of the road (under 500k), and expensive (500k+) options for each position. Please keep in mind that these are examples of players you can use. Some are better value for coins in terms of what they provide to your team versus the costs to buy them. For instance, Cancelo is probably a better option over Walker for RM -- not only will Cancelo be better as a RM and is cheaper, but also NIF Walker is better suited for an outside CB role in the 352.

6. Chemistry Styles

I will outline the typical chemistry styles I use for each position. Just because I typically use a certain style, doesn't mean I always do so. There are exceptions to every rule.

7. Substitution Philosophy

Your subs are different when running the 352. In order to dominate the entire match, you will want to bring on a new LM and RM at around the 60th to 65th minute (Workhorses remember?). That only leaves you with 1 more sub. This is where it's entirely up to you. I have 4 subs on my bench. 2 wide mids, one attacker, and one defender. If I have a rather large lead and feel I don't need to attack voraciously, I will sub off my more attacking CDM for my defensive CDM (if any of my CBs or CDMs has a yellow, I will sub them off instead for the added security of not getting a red card). If I am not all that confident in my ability to just hold the lead, I will sub off whichever attacker feels the most sluggish and in need of a breather. If you get to the point that your attackers are Neymar, Mbappe, and CR7, well congrats! Never sub them off lol

8. My play style

I will save you some time here. Not much has changed in the play style department. Feel free to re-read as a refresher. In this section, changes from last year have been bolded for easy reference.
It's all about Triangles. You have them everywhere. You should aim not take more than 2 touches before passing it off. This obviously doesn't include when you've played the ball in behind to your wide mids.
One touch passes between your LM-LCDM-LCB and its right side equivalent will draw out your opponent's forward RCAM allowing you to get in behind the RCAM and in front of the fullback. Now you can look to either the LM-CAM-LST or LM-LCDM-CAM triangles (or their right side equivalents) to do the same to beat the fullback and get in behind.
If your opponent catches on to this and begins to overload that side or manually pull players out of position to defend it, you can start to do the one touch passes between the LM-LCDM-LCB but instead of playing it forward to the LM, you can switch the play to the RM who will be in behind the opposing fullback due to your opponent's defensive slide.
You can also play the LCDM-RCDM-CCB and LCDM-RCDM-CAM triangles to do the same. The ideal situation here results in one of your CDMs making a forward run and receiving a pass. Then you play the ball off to one of your strikers. By now, your CAM has made an unmarked run from deep. You lay the ball off for an uncontested shot on goal.
You can play the ball in behind to your Right Striker (if he's truly in on goal, take the shot). He will likely be slightly out wide to the right and have pulled the opponent's LCB out with him. Your Left Striker will move centrally to look for a pass pulling the opponent's RCB to the middle of the field. Now, you are looking for one of two scenarios. The opponent's right fullback will either move centrally to mark your CAM or he will stay wide to mark your LM. Either way, you've created an unmarked player you can pass the ball off to for either a shot or a ground cross.
If you can't create any easy shots and your opponent is sitting on the top of their box blocking everything, that's why you have two well-rounded CDMs and why Creative Runs have been added. Practice making use of the Creative Run mechanic to 1) make a custom run to play a pass or 2) make a custom run to clear some space for you to dribble. Also, interplay between your CDMs, your CAM, and your Wide Mids will eventually draw your opponent out resulting in an opportunity to play into one of the strikers for a shot.
Don't forget that crossing is back.
Don't forget your standard interplay between your front trio. Give-and-go's are always great.
With the addition of the Team Press mechanic, you need a consistent and safe way to beat that press. As you may have noticed, the Team Press mechanic is essentially a command to "go man mark tight like you're playing one-on-one basketball." It's extremely effective against an opponent that panics. If you have at least one striker who is good in the air (CR7, Haaland, Lewa, Lukaku, Giroud lol, Rashford with Marksman, etc) essentially you have a free attempt at goal waiting for you. As soon as you see the team press coming, immediately pass back all the way to your CBs or even keeper. You're trying to draw your opponent in to your half. Then, play a lobbed pass up to your striker, head it down to your CAM/other Striker and you've got an instant goal scoring opportunity.
When you lose the ball, your CDMs and CBs will already be behind the ball. That's 5 defenders to your opponent's 4. Then, your LM and RM will immediately back track due to their Come Back on Defense Instructions. Now you have 7 behind the ball (but high up the pitch) compared to your opponents max of 6.
The more you play with the formation, the more you will understand how to draw your opponents out rather than just playing in behind to ASM and Adama in the 4231 and hopping you get a shot off.

9. Tips for Making the Change to the 352

Wow, you've made it this far. Thank you for reading the Remastered version of my guide! Here is a short list of suggestions on how to make the change to the 352 from whatever formation you currently play.

10. The teams I have used thus far and my pre-TOTY target

11. Closing Remarks

If you made it this far, thank you so much for reading. I am not a pro fifa player, I'm not a youtuber or twitch streamer. I just play fifa. I really hate that people feel pigeon-holed into using a meta formation. That is why I am continuing to share my 352 tactics with all of you. I will try to respond to as many comments as I can. Thanks again!

Now, go and burn the meta!

submitted by wahoos22 to FIFA [link] [comments]

My Big Recommendations List for the Steam Winter Sale

This has been an absolutely miserable year but finally it’s coming to an end, and even looking up now that Facebook and Google are being sued by Federal and State governments. If you played Cyberpunk I’m sure you’ll also have your fingers crossed that both companies get the sledgehammer into little pieces, with Amazon and the App Store soon to follow. Next year is up in the air right now; it could be the year XR is completely strangled by those soulless corpo’s at Facebook, or it could be the year that OpenXR, anti trust action, and consumer apathy towards VR cut their legs out from under them. Things look completely up in the air at this point. So take the holidays and enjoy VR while you still can, next year we might just be playing Valve’s Citadel while the ship goes down.
Well Steam’s Winter Sale is here and it’s a great time to pick up a lot of great games, hidden gems, and so on. This is my list of games to pick up. Some of them are the best prices these games have ever had. I categorized them by price tier, and I put a few standouts in bold either because they’re a great game or a great deal, or both.
Merry Christmas
[I also made a hardware guide for headsets and PC components, a guide to using steamVR, a guide about how to use the Index for AR, and a master acab list of great VR games, demos, and software]
The Sale ends on January 5th at 10AM PT

Also worth taking a look at, over at Fanatical they’re doing a “make your own bundle.” 2 games for $6.99, 3 games for $9.99, 5 games for $14.99
submitted by OXIOXIOXI to Vive [link] [comments]

Why do you dislike dogs!? - A complete guide and compilation

Hey everyone,
Unfortunately, I do find myself often struggling to come up with a comprehensive list of elements which I dislike about dogs or dog worship when I am having a discussion. Therefore, I decided to compile of list of elements which I dislike or sentiments which are uttered by others who share a similar disdain/indifference. In that regard, I compiled some items which I have collected from various threads and would like for everyone to contribute if they feel like something is missing.
Update: Added a disclaimer to clarify a few points due to some negative messages.


Some of these are highly subjective of course and your experience and opinion may differ. Not all of these elements represent my personal feelings. The following list provides an extensive selection of issues which are not necessarily applicable to every dog or owner. Thus, it is inevitable that some generalisations are included due to the broad variety of points. The content is offensive at times and strong adjectives with a negative connotation appear.

Dogs as a pet

The look and smell:

The behavior:

Dog worship and owners

Dog culture:

Dog owners/Fur parents/Dog lovers:
-Dogs smell you fear
-Dogs can sense your personality
-Dogs are cleaner than humans
-Dogs are utterly loyal and love their owner unconditionally
-Dogs are protector and guardians
-Not putting dogs on a leash and thinking they can roam wherever they please. Dogs need to be put on a leash and are not suited for every environment.
-Owners who take their dog with them to every location even if this is prohibited or unhygienic.
-Branding people as sociopaths and emotionless for not liking their dogs or dogs in general.
- Dog lovers who think that the life of their dog is more important than everything and everyone else.
-Owners expect everyone to like their dogs or perceive it as the "best boy" compared to others
-Prioritizing "dog rights" over any other sort of right.


Anyway, I tried to keep them as tight as possible and not include to many examples because I would probably never finish.
On a personal note, I am just tired of it. I had plenty of awful experiences in my life despite having an open mindset and trying to make dogs my friends. Either way, it always resulted in bullshit that I cannot stand for, then I get antagonized for disliking dog. Just sick of this crap.
submitted by BritishCO to Dogfree [link] [comments]

how to put on hazard suit half life video

HALF-LIFE - Full Game Walkthrough - YouTube Half-Life 2 - HEV Suit - YouTube Alyx Wants To Get In My Hazard Suit  Half-Life 2 ... Fallout 4 Half Life 2 Hazard Suit & Weapons Mod - YouTube Half-Life: HEV Suit - YouTube Let's Play Half-Life [PA 2] HAZARD SUIT!!!! :D - YouTube Half-Life: HD Sexy Playthrough - Part 1 - Getting My ... Half-Life - Walkthrough - Part 1 - HAZARD SUIT W/Alpha ... Half Life: Day One- Hazard Course.(HEV Suit Training ...

When you put on the hazard suit in the game, it will play this music. It plays it at random times in the game. How do I change it? < > Showing 1-9 of 9 comments . Shard FloofFox. Dec 9, 2019 @ 4:55pm why the bloody hell, would you want to do something like that. #1. barney. Dec 10, 2019 @ 12:34pm Originally posted by byteau: I believe all you need to do is replace Half-Life12.mp3 located in The following is a list of quotes and sounds from the Hazardous Environment Suit in every Half-Life game.. The suit's sentences always start with various notification sounds whose pitches are sometimes changed by the game engine. They are not included in our sound files. Information found in Half-Life’s sentences.txt, transcripts partially based on the Half-Life 2 subtitles. Go to the start menu, then go to all programs, then go to accessesories, then click on command prompt. Select you Half-Life directory and type hl.exe -console then Half-Life should open. Start a... The HEV suit designed and created for the Half-Life gaming series is undoubtedly an intelligent costume. With its healing and protecting abilities, the HEV suits serve more as a partner in the battle against Xen creatures than a mere highly optimized protective shield. The good news is at the end of Half-Life series, Freeman gets to keep the HEV suit as G-man allows him to keep it. Hazardous Half-Life's aliens come in all shapes and sizes, but they do have one thing in common: they aren't stupid. They'll perform sophisticated threat assessments, recruit others of their kind, and Gina's HEV Suit is tan colored. As suggested by the handwritten notes added by Gina in the Hazard Course Training schedule from the Half-Life PlayStation 2 instruction manual, her job as Hazardous Environment Supervisor probably involves supervising the Hazard Course trainings, among other things.She is also one of the several scientists to train other scientists in the Hazard Course. That’s because HDTF is canon and Half-Life isn’t. level 2 . 9 points · 1 year ago. Spoilers, that was Mitch in a hazard suit the whole time. Continue this thread level 1. 7 points · 1 year ago. I always assumed he put it on but it just shows him without it for cover art so you can see his face. View Entire Discussion (11 Comments) More posts from the HalfLife community. 5.4k. Posted by 3 The Mark V Hazard Suit stored in Kleiner's Lab prior to Gordon's use.. In Half-Life 2, despite being allowed to keep it in the previous game, Freeman starts without the suit.After a visit to Dr. Isaac Kleiner, his former colleague from Black Mesa, Freeman receives an upgraded HEV suit, the Mark V. 1. Start Half-life Using The Command Line "Hl.exe -console". You Can Now Access The Console Using The "~" Key. 2. Enter The Command "Sv_cheats 1" In The Console. Cheats Are Now Enabled. 3. Here's A Partial List Of Cheats. /impulse 101 /God - Godmode (Invincibility). /God 0 - Godmode off /Noclip - No Clipping (Walk Through Walls, Etc.) /notarget - Opponents Half-Life script April 12, 2004 All dialogue is copyright of Valve Entertainment. This document is copyright of Matthew Sullivan 2004. This guide was written for the GameFAQs website. It may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, on any other website without permission from the author. This guide may be used for private, non- commercial use only. The purpose of this guide is to lay out the

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HALF-LIFE - Full Game Walkthrough - YouTube

Full Playthrough of Half-Life on the original GoldSrc Engine (Gold Source) with No deaths★★★ Please SUBSCRIBE, LIKE and SHARE ★★★ Thanks :)Join us on: Discor... Hello I am going to start a Half Life Series soon. In this part we finally get a HAZARD SUIT!! And get life finally :/ fun! A badass moment in gaming history, and from a personal favourite game of mine too. :)Note to self: Video quality is blurry, will need to fix that in future v... Half-Life Walkthrough Part 1 Half-Life Walkthrough Part 1 W/CommentaryMy Walkthrough / Lets play of Half-Life Part 1 GameplayHalf-Life is a first-person shoo... Download:https://www.wasd.pro/uploads/fallout-4-half-life-2-hazmat-suit-weapons-mod/ Gordon is not impressed with Black Mesa's safety procedures.Starring Kyle Sullivan and Ethan GelinasCamera, etc. by Jon Currie and Ian Conn"Living Forever" b... I mean.....the suppression field is down, right? After that stalker train crash we have to find our way to the surface and that means traveling through some ... This is my playthrough of the first Half-Life, with live commentary. Follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/gabehype Add me on Facebook: http://www.face...

how to put on hazard suit half life

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